problem test-pst.tex

Bernd Brandt bernd at
Fri Sep 4 19:13:45 CEST 1998

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I have a problem with 'test-pst.tex' from 'pstricks/doc'
I was running out of memory
! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [main memory size=262141].
After inserting 3 \clearpages the problem was solved.
Is this normal? Or can one increase TeX memory, since no \clearpage was present in the original test-pst.tex

Secondly, I keep having problems with lgc/4-7-4.inl
Somehow the \newcommand\lang[4] is incorrect. When it is present in the file the follwing error is produced:
! Missing number, treated as zero.
<to be read again> 
l.26 \lang{Romanian}{1}{3}{green}

I cannot find the problem...


\usepackage{calc, pstcol}


\definecolor{lightblue}{rgb}{.68, .85, .9}

\newcommand\lang[4]{% name, value, percentage, color
  %\typeout{#1: \thethishalf}%



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