LaTeXing pst-user.tex

Eduardo Nahum Ochs edrx at
Sun Apr 12 03:20:01 CEST 1998

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Anyone knows how to make pst-usr.tex typeset under LaTeX2e (i.e.,
teTeX)? I downloaded the entire .../graphics/pstricks directory from
CTAN, so it shouldn't be a matter of missing files; here's what

  cd $CTAN/graphics/pstricks/
  latex pst-user.tex

  This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (C version 6.1)
  LaTeX2e <1996/12/01> patch level 1
  Babel <v3.6h> and hyphenation patterns for american, german, loaded.
  Entering LaTeX 2.09 compatibility mode.
  (/usr/lib/texmf/texmf/tex/latex/base/ulasy.fd)))) (pst-user.sty (tvz-user.sty
  (tvz-hax.sty (/usr/lib/texmf/texmf/tex/latex/base/article.sty
  Document Class: article 1996/10/31 v1.3u Standard LaTeX document class
  Style option: `fancybox' v1.0 <93/02/10> (tvz)
  ! I can't find file `art12.sty'.
  l.6 \input art12.sty

  Please type another input file name: voidfile.tex
  (voidfile.tex) (npsfont.sty   v1.0  91/11/20  <tvz>)
  `PSTricks' v0.93a  <93/03/12> (tvz)
  (/usr/lib/texmf/texmf/tex/generic/pstricks/pst-coil.tex  v0.93a, 93/03/12)
   v0.93a-patch2, 94/09/19 (/usr/lib/texmf/texmf/tex/generic/pstricks/multido.t\ex
   v1.4, 93/01/14 <tvz>))
  ! Undefined control sequence.
  \reserved at b ->{ptmr}<\@nil

  l.93   {bx}{sl}{ptmbi}}

I'm trying to read the documentation for the LaTeX2e sources
(source2e.dvi, obtained from source2e.tex) to discover what's
happening and what should happen instead, but it's not easy... does
anyone know some simple fix to this?

  Thanks in advance,

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