PSTricks and Textures

Alexander Leonessa gt1434a at
Tue Jan 20 21:36:17 CET 1998

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graphics in (La)TeX using the PSTricks package from Timothy van Zandt.
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>>2. Rename textures17.con as pstricks.con.
>>3. Run pst-make.tex under Plain format to create files
>>    pstricks.tex
>>    pst-node.tex
>>    pst-coil.tex
>  Unfortunately, even if I can't test, I can't see how such procedure can be

What is the correct procedure to create the above files once I replace the
default pstricks.con with texture17.con?
Compile pst-make.tex is the only way I found, and it actually removed all
those weird postscript errors. Is there a more appropriate procedure to
use with PSTricks97?
Thank you

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