[pgf-tikz] Bug report

Henri Menke henri at henrimenke.de
Mon Dec 21 22:54:48 CET 2020

Dear Juan,

Thank you for your report.  Can you please provide a minimal example that
reproduces the problem?  Also please make sure that you have loaded the babel
tikzlibrary which is essential to support input of accented characters in TikZ

Kind regards,

On Mon, 2020-12-21 at 16:51 -0300, Juan Ignacio López Ortiz wrote:
> Hi. I'm new to the use of this package, very useful by the way, and thanks.
> The bug I wanted to report is about the "graphic accent" used in spanish. When
> in a text, I write e.g. "Física", it compiles as "F\'3sica" (it's basically a
> three with a graphic accent, really weird. This also happen with the graphic
> accent on all the vowels. 
> Sorry if this is the wrong email address
> Regards
> Juan Ignacio

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