[pdftex] RSMoroma Font usage ?

Thierry Bouche thierry.bouche at ujf-grenoble.fr
Mon Jan 6 16:00:06 CET 2003

Le lundi 6 janvier 2003 à 15:26:34, Mark Wroth écrivit :

MW> I've been trying to get the RSMoroma font installed and working with 
MW> pdftex, so far without much success, and would appreciate some assistance.

MW> RSMoroma is a tengwar font, and I have the afm, tfm, pfb, ttf, vf, and a 
MW> ursmoroma.fd files.

MW> I have added a map file with the line

MW> rsmoroma RSMoroma <rsmoroma.pfb

MW> (I've also tried "rsmoroma <rsmoroma.pfb" and "rsmoroma <<rsmoroma.pfb").

MW> This map file is being read by pdftex -- when I add a similar line to 
MW> cm.map, I get a warning that there's a duplicate definition.

MW> However, pdftex appears not to recognize this as a PS font.  The TeX output 
MW> includes an attempt on the part of the installation to run MetaFont (which 
MW> fails, as there is no mf source :-)

MW> The test document is:
MW> \documentclass{article}
MW> \usepackage{pxfonts}
MW> \newcommand\tiwfamily{\usefont{U}{rsmoroma}{m}{n}}
MW> \DeclareTextFontCommand{\texttiw}{\tiwfamily}
MW> \begin{document}

MW> \Huge

MW> Les nombres 0--9 : \texttiw{0123456789}

MW> Etoile : \texttiw{elen}

MW> \end{document}
MW> (which came with the font files). The main part of the interactive error is
MW> (c:/usr/web2c/share/texmf/tex/latex/contrib/pxfonts/ot1pxr.fd) (./ursmoroma.fd)

MW> Overfull \hbox (106.842pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 9--10
MW> []/pxr at 24.88pt/Les nom-bres 0--9 : /rsmoroma at 24.88pt/0123456789
MW> [1{c:/usr/web2c/share/texmf/pdftex/rsmoroma.map}{c:/usr/web2c/share/texmf/pdfte 

MW> x/base/cm.map}This is METAFONT, Version 2.7182 (Web2c
MW> (Fatal base file error; I'm stymied)
MW> mktextfm: Running mf "\mode:=ljfour; mag:=1; nonstopmode; input rrsmoroma"

I've downloaded the zip file. there's obviously a bug as there is a VF+
a TFM but without base font. Obviously, the  rsmoroma virtual font
points to some rrsmoroma as base font, which is missing (it should have
a TFM and this one should be declared in the .map file).

The whole TeX stuff looks corrupted in this zip file...


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