[pdftex] pdflatex+seminar+overlay

Rolf Backofen (2) backnet at horace.tcs.informatik.uni-muenchen.de
Wed Feb 28 14:54:13 CET 2001


I'm trying to use the seminar documentclass with pdflatex, and everything 
works well except the overlay environment of seminar. There is only one single 
page produced containing all overlays in one. Is there a replacement for 
semlayer that works with pdflatex and seminar, or what else must be done?

Here is a short example texfile showing the problem.
I would be grateful for any hints.




%%%%% Fix for pdflatex
\pdffalse % we are not running PDFLaTeX
\pdfoutput=1 % we are running PDFLaTeX

\pdfpagewidth=297truemm % your milage may vary....
%                ^^^^
\pdfhorigin=1truein     % default value(?), but doesn't work without
\pdfvorigin=1truein     % default value(?), but doesn't work without
%%% End of fix

  \item This should be on the first slide of the overlay
     and this should be on the first overlay


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