[omega] Texteme, redefining a term used in linguistics?

Yannis Haralambous yannis.haralambous at enst-bretagne.fr
Sat Mar 12 10:50:51 CET 2005

> Pourquoi pas textème (sur graphème/lexème/sème) ?

texteme (textème, Textem, κειμένημα) is until now THE BEST idea: it is 
short, clear, original, general enough, refers only to text and not to 
omega, text processing or even computing, and it sound good (title of 
the last paper: "Omega becomes a texteme processor", "Oméga devient un 
processeur de textèmes").

The only problem is that it already exists in Human Sciences with a 
totally different meaning: it is an elementary unit of text, used in 

The problem comes from the manifold meanings of "text": text can be 
something abstract and global, text can be concrete (paragraphs, words, 
letters). From our point of view something that encompasses character 
and glyph is indeed an atomic unit of "text", and hence a texteme. From 
the rhetoricians point of view the atomic unit of text is rather

On the other hand, this term seems not be very widely used (only 93 
entries in google, from which some are spelling errors) and from the 
pages I read I have the impression that linguists do not really agree 
on what a texteme is. So maybe, I say: maybe, we could allow ourselves 
to use it DESPITE it being already defined in human sciences.

Are you in favour of using this term with a new meaning?
Could a linguist (Ioannis?) tell us if this would be a wise decision?

| Yannis Haralambous, Ph.D.      yannis.haralambous at enst-bretagne.fr |
| Directeur d'Études                   http://omega.enstb.org/yannis |
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| École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications de Bretagne      |
| Technopôle de Brest Iroise, CS 83818, 29238 Brest CEDEX 3, France  |
                          ...pour distinguer l'extérieur d'un aquarium,
                                         mieux vaut n'être pas poisson

                         ...the ball I threw while playing in the park
                                        has not yet reached the ground

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