Problem with afterpage in standard MacTeX distribution

Vaughan Clarkson vaughan at
Tue May 21 22:33:29 CEST 2024

To whom it may concern

I upgraded yesterday from a 2022 MacTeX distribution to the latest version.  The installation went smoothly but, afterwards, I was puzzled that documents that use afterpage were producing different output than they had previously.  The “afterpage pages” were always being pushed to the end of the document.

The solution for me was simply to do a full update of all packages via the TeX Live Utility.  Afterpage returned to normal function after that.  However, I thought someone in the MacTeX developer community would like to know that the standard distribution appears to have this strange behaviour in it.

Below I copy out the short XeLaTeX file that can reproduce the problem.  The behaviour I expect is that the test file produces two pages of output with the word “Hello?” at the top of the second page.  However, from the standard MacTeX download, it produces three pages of output with “Hello?” on the last page by itself.

Yours faithfully
- Vaughan Clarkson

%!TEX program = xelatex











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