PATH and MANPATH extensions?

Arash Esbati arash at
Fri Sep 8 10:47:19 CEST 2023

Richard Koch <koch at> writes:

> Sure. In a short postinstall script, a file named TeX is added to
> /etc/paths.d The contents of this file are
> 	/Library/TeX/texbin
> Most shells consult this spot and add this entry to their default
> path. But if your shell does not do this, you can do it by hand.

Thanks for your quick response.  Ok, now I understand how this is done
and my installation should pick that up as well.  And I also received a
response from Herb S. (Thanks!) saying that the same thing is done in
/etc/manpaths.d/.  Maybe this bit can be added to the Uninstalling
instructions provided here[1].

> Note that homebrew sometimes installs its own copy of TeX. So if you
> absolutely want MacTeX to be used, perhaps adding /Library/TeX/texbin
> to the start of your path would work better.

I have no plans to install TeXlive via homebrew; only Ghostscript.

> Note that /Library/TeX/texbin is just a symbolic link, which leads via
> a series of other links eventually to
> 	/usr/local/texlive/2023/bin/universal-darwin
> which contains all the binaries for TeX. If you use standard GUI apps
> like TeXShop, TeX Live Utility, LaTeXiT, BibDesk, and many others,
> they are automatically configured to look at /Library/TeX/texbin.

Thanks, I'll teach Emacs to look in that directory.

Best, Arash


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