Issue with bibliography

Carlos Ocampo (Personal) ocampo.martinez at
Wed May 17 13:15:22 CEST 2023

Good day,

 I am using MacTex (since 2008) so I have a bit of experience. However, yesterday I got an error that I do not know how to solve it.

 I do my CV so I add the bib of my publications. Last week I added another publication but after cleaning files and compiling, the following error appeared:

Line: the line where \bibliography is placed
Message: Dimension too large. \bibliography{Bib_COM,BibConf_COM,BibCh_COM}

Is it a LaTeX issue? Mactex issue. Such a problem appears when there is a too large image, but why in my case it come from the bibliography?

Thank you very much for your help.


Carlos Ocampo Martínez
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