[OS X TeX] compile with the '-recorder' option

Alain Schremmer schremmer.alain at gmail.com
Sat Apr 13 17:52:41 CEST 2013

I am using


and here is the relevant part of the doc:

> If required also the absolute path and directory of the current  
> input file can be
> provided. This feature is implemented by the sub-package currfile- 
> abspath
> which is automatically loaded by the abspath option. The absolute  
> path in-
> formation are read from the ‘\jobname.fls’ file produced by the  
> ‘-recorder’
> compiler option (i.e. compile with ‘pdflatex -recorder  
> file.tex’). Without
> this compiler option a warning is produced and the related macros  
> stay empty.

Sure enough, I am getting the following (non-fatal) error message:

> Package currfile-abspath Warning: The required recorder file (.fls)  
> was not found.
> (currfile-abspath)                Please compile with the '- 
> recorder' option.
> (currfile-abspath)                Note that MikTeX requires two  
> compiler runs.
> (currfile-abspath)                Occurred on input line 278.

What, and how, do I "compile with the '-recorder' option."?

Baffled regards

P.S. Just in case: I am now running TeXLive-2012 under 10.5.8 (PPC)  
with TeXShop 2.47.

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