[OS X TeX] Invoking latex with tex + ghostscript option?
Herbert Schulz
herbs at wideopenwest.com
Wed Jul 8 17:03:50 CEST 2009
On Jul 8, 2009, at 9:09 AM, Robert Morelli wrote:
> Peter Dyballa wrote:
>> Am 08.07.2009 um 08:11 schrieb Robert Morelli:
>>> I need to invoke the "ordinary" latex on the generated files, not
>>> pdflatex.
>> Using the five letter word (or command) "latex" you'll get DVI. By
>> adding '-output-format=dvi' you can force latex and pdflatex etc.
>> to produce DVI.
> Using "latex" or "latex -output-format=dvi" both invoke pdflatex,
> just as if I'd written "pdflatex."
>>> I was told that I need to invoke latex with the "tex + ghostscript"
>>> option. How do I do that?
>> Preferences -> Typesetting tab -> Default Script
> There are no preferences or tabs. I'm using the command line (or
> AucTeX from Aquamacs).
>>> Also, is there a way to arrange it so the latex command used on
>>> the files pdftricks generates has that option?
>> You can create your own ENGINE file and put it into ~/Library/
>> TeXShop/Engines. Herb once proposed a ps4pdf.engine file:
> I don't use TeXShop. TeXShop has its own text editor but I generally
> use Emacs (or Aquamacs).
> I tried TeXShop once and it didn't read my $TEXMF* variables so
> didn't find my custom texinputs.
> It didn't seem worth fooling with.
That's fine. If you are using MacTeX or TeX Live for the Mac try the
simpdftex latex --extradvipsopts "-R0" --extratexopts "-synctex=1" --
distiller ps2pdf14
You can leave out the `--extradvipsopts "-R0"' if you don't include
files with a relative path. You can leave out the `--extratexopts "-
synctex=1"' if you don't use synctex synchronization between the
source file and pdf file (e.g., with Skim). The default distiller used
by simpdftex is ps2pdf12 so you can remove the `--distiller ps2pdf14'
option if that is satisfactory.
This will run latex->dvips->ps2pdfXX and remove the intermediate ps
Good Luck,
Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)
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