[OS X TeX] TeXShop macro: add column to tabular
Will Robertson
will at mecheng.adelaide.edu.au
Sat Jul 17 08:46:26 CEST 2004
On 17 Jul 2004, at 4:10 PM, Will Robertson wrote:
> I've updated my "Add column" script. It now works in both TeXShop &
> iTeXMac --- change the first line of the applescript to specify which
> one you're using.
Oops, forgot to attach it.
Copy/paste the following into a new item in the macro editor of either
TeXShop or iTeXMac:
-- Which TeX app?
property texapp : "TeXShop" -- or "iTeXMac"
property default_button : "After"
--property default_button : "Before"
property cell_blob : "•"
set q to display dialog "This macro adds a new column to the selected
tabular. Please enter the column number before or after which you would
like to add a new colum." default answer "1" buttons {"Before",
"After"} default button default_button
set add_where to the button returned of q
set col_num to the text returned of q
if texapp = "TeXShop" then
tell application "TeXShop" to set tabular to the content of the
selection of the front document
else if texapp = "iTeXMac" then
tell application "iTeXMac" to set tabular to (the selection of the
text of the front document)
end if
set new_tabular to ""
repeat with ii from 1 to the count of the paragraphs of tabular
set this_line to paragraph ii of tabular
if this_line contains "\\\\" and this_line does not contain
"\\multicolumn" then
set trim_line to do shell script "echo " & the quoted form of
this_line & " | cut -f 1-1 -d '\\\\'"
set new_col to "& " & cell_blob & " &"
if add_where = "After" then
set line_start to do shell script "echo " & the quoted form of
trim_line & " | cut -f -" & col_num & " -d '&'"
set line_end to do shell script "echo " & the quoted form of
trim_line & " | cut -f " & col_num + 1 & "- -d '&'"
if line_end = "" then
set new_col to "& " & cell_blob & " "
end if
else if add_where = "Before" then
if col_num = "1" then
set line_start to ""
set new_col to "• &"
set line_end to trim_line
set line_start to do shell script "echo " & the quoted form of
trim_line & " | cut -f -" & col_num - 1 & " -d '&'"
set line_end to do shell script "echo " & the quoted form of
trim_line & " | cut -f " & col_num & "- -d '&'"
if line_end = "" then
set new_col to "& " & cell_blob & " "
end if
end if
end if
set new_line to line_start & new_col & line_end & "\\\\"
if new_tabular = "" then
set new_tabular to new_line
set new_tabular to new_tabular & return & new_line
end if
if new_tabular = "" then
set new_tabular to this_line
set new_tabular to new_tabular & return & this_line
end if
end if
end repeat
if tabular contains "\\multicolumn" then
display dialog "I cannot parse lines with “\\multicolumn” in them.
You'll have to do them by hand. Sorry." buttons {"Cancel", "Proceed"}
default button "Proceed" with icon caution
end if
if texapp = "TeXShop" then
tell application "TeXShop" to set the selection of the front document
to new_tabular
else if texapp = "iTeXMac" then
tell application "iTeXMac" to insert new_tabular in the text of the
front document
end if
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