[Mac OS X TeX] TeXShop Preference Item
Richard Koch
koch at math.uoregon.edu
Wed Jul 25 02:29:12 CEST 2001
Yesterday Aaron Seitz wrote
TeXShop preferences do not change until after the app is restarted.
This is definitely the case with the pdflatex vs latex + ghostscript
radio button.
Actually TeXShop changes preferences immediately. Our design is probably
flawed, making the pdflatex vs latex+ghostscript preference is a little
The preference only determines the typesetting method when new files are
Changing the preference doesn't change the typesetting method for files
which are already open.
The idea here is that users can open several projects at once. Some may
contain pdf illustrations and be typeset with pdflatex. Others may
contain eps
illustrations and be typeset with latex+ghostscript. When a project is
opened, the typesetting method is determined from the choice in
Later this method can be changed for that particular project using items
the "Typeset" menu.
koch at math.uoregon.edu
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