[lucida] Some LaTeX symbols

Axel E. Retif axretif at igo.com.mx
Fri Aug 18 01:41:09 CEST 2006

El 8/17/06 6:27 PM, "Josep M. Font" <jmfont at inicia.es> escribió:

> El 18/08/2006, a las 0:26, Axel E. Retif escribió:
>> El 8/17/06 4:05 PM, "Karl Berry" <karl at freefriends.org> escribió:
>>>> symbol \Box is typeset as a \square, and \Diamond is typeset as
>>>> \lozenge. However, with cmr fonts or mathpazo, using "amssymb" plus
>>>> "latexsym" packages, there is a difference! \square is larger than
>>>> \Box, and \Diamond is not a \lonzenge but the real diamond of modal
>>>> logicians
>>> You mean the CM symbols are what you want and the Lucida symbols
>>> are not?
>>> Can you send sources/pdfs of the difference?
>>> I am not sure how to resolve this.  Suggestions welcome ...
>> Now I see what happens! latexsym.sty uses the lasy font for
>> \Diamond, but as
>> lucidabr.sty redefines \Diamond and makes it the same as \lozenge
>> 372 \DeclareMathSymbol{\Diamond}{\mathord}{arrows}{8}
>> ...
>> 540 \DeclareMathSymbol{\lozenge}{\mathord}{arrows}{8}
>> then \Diamond is taken from Lucida fonts, but if you call latexsym.sty
>> *after* lucidabr.sty, everything works OK.
>> In the following example comment out and uncomment \usepackage
>> {latexsym} and
>> you'll see the change:


> I see! Thank you very much for clarifying this!
> However, when using "lucidabr.sty", almost all AMS symbols would be
> taken from the Lucida fonts, but then if loading "amssymb.sty" (and
> "latexsym.sty") after it I understand we return totally to the AMS
> fonts and LaTeX fonts. Perhaps this doesn't make a big difference, I
> don't know about other symbols, but I suppose the Lucida ones are
> designed to match well with the text fonts. (It seems to me that the
> Lucida symbols have slightly thicker lines; or is it an optical
> illusion?)
> I hope there is no harm in doing this:
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
> \usepackage{textcomp}
> \usepackage{lucidabr}
> % for \square:
> \DeclareSymbolFont{AMSa}{U}{msa}{m}{n}
> \DeclareMathSymbol{\square}{\mathord}{AMSa}{"03}
> % for \Diamond:
> \DeclareSymbolFont{lasy}{U}{lasy}{m}{n}
> \DeclareMathSymbol\Diamond{\mathord}{lasy}{"33}
> \begin{document}
> \( \Box\ \square\ \Diamond\ \lozenge \)
> \end{document}
> that is, just redefining \square and \Diamond to obtain the LaTeX and
> AMS versions. Is there no "real" diamond in the Lucida fonts ? If
> there is, then it is a matter of just changing the definition of
> \Diamond in "lucidabr.sty"; the case of \square vs. \Box is not so
> different... Here is a small pdf file with the result of my proposal:

This looks quite nice! And Acrobat identifies the fonts as
LucidaNewMath-Arrows, MSAM10 and LASY10, so I think this is the real
solution, but let's wait for Karl Berry's reply.



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