[luatex] Very recent breakage luatex85.sty and cmap.sty

Norbert Preining norbert at preining.info
Sat Feb 6 12:03:20 CET 2021

Hi Jonathan,

> As both a TeX and Python user I can provide some more information, or at
> least links.

Not such a rare beast as you might think. I guess everyone here uses
TeX, and most people have used or are using Python.

> Here's a suggestion. Create a simple Sphinx project, submit to ReadTheDocs,
> and see if it builds correctly. Then, somehow, repeat the build with the

Thanks, but whom are you suggestion this?
- I as Debian Developer caring for the TeX packages, can simply try a
  few Sphinx builds - I **could**, but honestly, it is too much pain
  because all of this is not automatized.
- The Sphinx developers? Tell them please
- The TeX package developers? I don't think they will do anything in
  this direction.

As said, if all this would be automatized, and that is on my list of
things to do - package unit testing on texlive-subversion commit, but
honestly, time is not really permitting me to actually carry it out.

Can you help?



PREINING Norbert                              https://www.preining.info
Fujitsu Research Labs  +  IFMGA Guide + TU Wien + TeX Live + Debian Dev
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