[luatex] Hyphenation of \verb in LuaLaTeX 1.0.x

Isaac Sánchez Barrera isaac at isb1009.es
Sat Mar 4 23:11:31 CET 2017


For testing purposes, I have installed the latest "stable" release of 
LuaTeX following a comment in tex.stackexchange.com by David Carlisle 
I have installed ConTeXt Standalone in a local directory, copied the 
luatex binary (1.0.3) on top of my MacTeX 2016 install (which is 
up-to-date), and run `fmtutil-sys --refresh` afterwards.

To my surprise, after compiling a LaTeX document with some inline 
verbatim, I saw a strange behaviour: the \verb+words+ were hyphenated! I 
checked with a colleague that uses MiKTeX (with luatex 1.0.0) and he has 
the same behaviour, so it is not a problem with my install.

I have been able to reproduce the issue with a MWE which you can find 
attached (test.tex) along with the LuaLaTeX 0.95 (test.pdf) and 1.0.3 
(test-103.pdf) outputs. In short, the hyphenation in 1.0.3 happens after 
setting the mono font with fontspec (it does not happen after setting 
the other families, tested it already).

I am not sure if this is an issue with fontspec or luaotfload or luatex 
itself, but I am reporting the issue to this list because it looks like 
a regression in the latest luatex releases. Apologies if it has been 
reported already, but I have not been able to see a similar issue in the 
list, in TeX.SE, Google or the issue queues in Github for fontspec and 
luaotfload. If this is not the place to report the issue, please direct 
me to the correct one :)

Thanks for your help.

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