[luatex] Hyphenation of \verb in LuaLaTeX 1.0.x

David Carlisle d.p.carlisle at gmail.com
Sat Mar 4 23:36:50 CET 2017

this doesn't look like  a luatex issue, looks like fontspec,
the hyphenchar is not unset with the new mono font.
If you  change the middle of your example to say

\setmonofont{Latin Modern Mono}

{\ttfamily \showthe\font

then there is no hyphenation in the second half.

(hyphenchar isn't really the recommended way to suppress hyphenation
in luatex but I think verb
currently just relies on that having been set up for the monospace font)

Actually I'm a bit surprised, that with xetex hyphenchar is also 45
rather than -1 but there's no hyphenation anyway, Will?


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