[luatex] luatex - font encoding for type 1 fonts

Jan Matějka mq at joja.cz
Thu Jun 23 11:11:49 CEST 2016

> Aren't the csr fonts essentially extended cm fonts with accented
> characters for latin2 range? If so can't you just use a
> computer-modern based  unicode font such as latin modern?

Yes, they are. No, we can't.

> It is possible to do all the re-encodings necessary to use a classic
> 8bit font, but why, when existing extensions of computer modern to
> much larger ranges exist?

Because of nuances in final result. See the attachments. One was
generated by running

$ luatex lm-csr.tex
the another by
$ pdfcsplain lm-csr.tex

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