[lltx] luaotfload requires lowercase filenames, MikTex 2.9 Windows 10

Philipp Gesang phg at phi-gamma.net
Wed Apr 20 23:36:23 CEST 2016

···<date: 2016-04-20, Wednesday>···<from: Robert Allgeyer>···

> Using MikTeX Portable 2.9 on Windows 10. Compiling with LuaLaTeX. This may
> well be platform-specific.

Windows filesystems are weird, true.

> I put the font where TeX can find it and update FNDB and formats, also
> clear prior luatex-cache. Here is a MWE, thanks to Will Robertson (I first
> raised the issue with him, thinking that the problem was with fontspec):
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{luaotfload}
> \begin{document}
> {\font\x="[Cinzel-Regular.otf]" at 10pt\x This is Cinzel Regular.}
> \end{document}
> The above code FAILS. However, if I change
> from
> "[Cinzel-Regular.otf]"
> to
> "[cinzel-regular.otf]"

What do you get if you define the font like so:

    {\font\x="file:Cinzel-Regular.otf" at 10pt\x This is Cinzel Regular.}

Does this work? The ``[.*]`` notation is really a relic and may
not have received thorough testing. Not on Windows anyways.

> then it WORKS. The only change is font fle name to lowercase. The actual
> file does have some uppercase in its name, but I did not need to change the
> font's own file name.

IIRC we don’t change the file system case intentionally. This
might be a bug. I’ll run some tests but can’t promise a date.


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