[latexrefman] Adjust font size section

Hefferon, Jim S. jhefferon at smcvt.edu
Fri Aug 13 18:30:13 CEST 2021

Really, my only thought here is that in a context where there are multiple standard ways, I wanted to go with Knuth's way.


We are altering the EULA.  Pray we don't alter it any further.

From: Vincent Belaïche <vincent.belaiche at gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2021 5:29
To: Karl Berry
Cc: Hefferon, Jim S.; latexrefman
Subject: Re: [latexrefman] Adjust font size section

⚠ External Sender ⚠

I think that this is not a matter of « religion », just cultural
habits and convention, like putting the currency before the amount in
$0.02, where in France you would write 0.02$ like for other units, or
like having a thin space before : ! ? ; in French and not in English
(hence the need for \/ is stronger for the English).

It is a more generic question how to handle statements that are just
cultural and not core, as loading e.g. babel with a non english
language. In the French translation, where some statement were not
true with babel-french I had to insert some paragraph to say that this
is the default behaviour.

Le jeu. 12 août 2021 à 23:46, Karl Berry <karl at freefriends.org> a écrit :
> Indeed, the question of upright vs. italic differential d is a religious
> (that is, like emacs vs. vi, arbitrary/meaningless, not literally
> religious) one, going back (I believe) centuries. Barbara has a vague
> plan to write a whole article about it.
> Our job in latex2e.texi is not to promote one or the other, but describe
> what *core* LaTeX commands do. I don't recall if there are any base
> LaTeX commands relating to the differential, or if the amsmath package
> (the only one possibly relevant) has any. If none, there is nothing to
> say. I don't remember any, but I haven't explicitly searched for it,
> We're not here to describe every package, either, only the most
> fundamental ones, and even those only secondarily to core LaTeX.
> My $0.02, even though I'm supposedly not involved :). -k

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