[latex3-commits] [git/LaTeX3-latex3-babel] main: Fixes for amsmath: indent after environments; some wrong dirs in text. (f0a6e8b)
email at dante.de
Thu Feb 10 18:29:26 CET 2022
Repository : https://github.com/latex3/babel
On branch : main
Link : https://github.com/latex3/babel/commit/f0a6e8b0ad01fee2a6b16a6232b876d638548e70
commit f0a6e8b0ad01fee2a6b16a6232b876d638548e70
Author: Javier <email at localhost>
Date: Thu Feb 10 18:29:26 2022 +0100
Fixes for amsmath: indent after environments; some wrong dirs in text.
README.md | 10 +--
babel.dtx | 153 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
babel.ins | 2 +-
babel.pdf | Bin 854630 -> 855033 bytes
bbcompat.dtx | 2 +-
locale/sa/babel-sa-Deva.ini | 2 +-
6 files changed, 90 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-)
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index eb4da9f..639011f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-## Babel 3.70.2639
+## Babel 3.70.2644
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ is a set of ini files for about 250 languages.
The latest stable version is available on <https://ctan.org/pkg/babel>.
-Changes in version 3.70 are described in:
+Changes in version 3.71 are described in:
Apart from the manual, you can find information on some aspects of babel at:
@@ -48,14 +48,14 @@ respective authors.
### Summary of Latest changes
-3.71 2022-02-?? (dev)
+3.71 2022-02-14?? (dev)
+ * IAST transliteration for Sanskrit (by Maximilian Mehner).
* Fixes:
- Bad interraction between bidi option and mathtools (#166).
- 'provide+=' didn’t work with 'hebrew' as a secondary
- Wrong equation direction in 'cases' and 'array' (#167).
3.70 2022-01-26
* Finnish: transform 'prehyphen.nobreak'.
* Better fixes for amsmath, as well as for the default
diff --git a/babel.dtx b/babel.dtx
index cda0061..84bb301 100644
--- a/babel.dtx
+++ b/babel.dtx
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
% \iffalse
-\ProvidesFile{babel.dtx}[2022/02/05 v3.70.2639 The Babel package]
+\ProvidesFile{babel.dtx}[2022/02/10 v3.70.2644 The Babel package]
@@ -3449,15 +3449,16 @@ differ in the way `weak' numeric characters are ordered (eg, Arabic
The current code for \textbf{text} in \luatex{} should be considered
- essentially stable, but, of course, it is not bug-free and there
- can be improvements in the future, because setting bidi text has
- many subtleties (see for example <https://www.w3.org/TR/html-bidi/>).
- A basic stable version for other engines must wait. This applies to
+ essentially stable, but, of course, it is not bug-free and there can
+ be improvements in the future, because setting bidi text has many
+ subtleties (see for example <https://www.w3.org/TR/html-bidi/>). A
+ basic stable version for other engines must wait. This applies to
text; there is a basic support for \textbf{graphical} elements,
including the |picture| environment (with \textsf{pict2e}) and
\textsf{pfg/tikz}. Also, indexes and the like are under study, as
- well as math (there is progress in the latter, too, but for
- example |cases| may fail).
+ well as math (there are progresses in the latter, including
+ \textsf{amsmath} and \textsf{mathtools} too, but for example
+ |gathered| may fail).
An effort is being made to avoid incompatibilities in the future
(this one of the reason currently bidi must be explicitly requested
@@ -5122,8 +5123,8 @@ help from Bernd Raichle, for which I am grateful.
% \section{Tools}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \textbf{Do not use the following macros in \texttt{ldf} files. They
@@ -14485,9 +14486,11 @@ end
#2 TRT\relax
+\def\bbl at thedir{0}
\def\bbl at textdir#1{%
\bbl at setluadir{text}\textdir{#1}%
\chardef\bbl at thetextdir#1\relax
+ \edef\bbl at thedir{\the\numexpr\bbl at thepardir*3+#1}%
\setattribute\bbl at attr@dir{\numexpr\bbl at thepardir*3+#1}}
\def\bbl at pardir#1{%
\bbl at setluadir{par}\pardir{#1}%
@@ -14522,7 +14525,11 @@ end
if Babel.hlist_has_bidi(head) then
local d = node.new(node.id'dir')
d.dir = '+TRT'
- node.insert_before(head, head, d)
+ node.insert_before(head, node.has_glyph(head), d)
+ for item in node.traverse(head) do
+ node.set_attribute(item,
+ Babel.attr_dir, token.get_macro('bbl at thedir'))
+ end
return head
@@ -14558,6 +14565,7 @@ end
% \begin{macrocode}
\bbl at trace{Redefinitions for bidi layout}
+\def\BabelNoAMSMath{\let\bbl at noamsmath\relax}
\ifnum\bbl at bidimode>\z@
\let\bbl at eqnodir\relax
@@ -14582,67 +14590,70 @@ end
\hbox to0.01pt{\hss\hbox to\displaywidth{\box\z@\hss}}}%
\else % amstex
- \edef\bbl at tempa{%
- \catcode58=\the\catcode58\relax
- \catcode95=\the\catcode95\relax}%
- \catcode58=11
- \catcode95=11
- \bbl at sreplace\intertext@{\normalbaselines}%
- {\normalbaselines
- \ifx\bbl at eqnodir\relax\else\bbl at pardir\@ne\bbl at textdir\@ne\fi}%
- \bbl at tempa
- \def\bbl at ams@tagbox#1#2{#1{\bbl at eqnodir#2}}% #1=\hbox|ams at lap
- \def\bbl at ams@eqtagbox#1{%
- \setbox\z@\hbox{\bbl at eqnodir#1}%
- \hbox to 0.01pt{%
- \ifx\bbl at ams@lap\hbox
- \hss\hbox to\displaywidth{\box\z@\hss}%
- \else
- \hbox to\displaywidth{\hss\box\z@}\hss
- \fi}}
- \def\bbl at ams@preset#1{%
- \ifnum\bbl at thetextdir>\z@
- \edef\bbl at eqnodir{\noexpand\bbl at textdir{\the\bbl at thetextdir}}%
- \chardef\bbl at thetextdir\z@
- \bbl at sreplace\textdef@{\hbox}{\bbl at ams@tagbox\hbox}%
- \bbl at sreplace\maketag@@@{\hbox}{\bbl at ams@tagbox#1}%
- \fi}
- \@ifpackagewith{amsmath}{leqno}%
- {\let\bbl at ams@lap\hbox}% = leqno
- {\let\bbl at ams@lap\llap}% = default
- % Not required?: split, alignat
- \AddToHook{env/cases/begin}{\bbl at ams@preset\bbl at ams@lap}%
- \AddToHook{env/multline/begin}{\bbl at ams@preset\hbox}%
- \AddToHook{env/gather/begin}{\bbl at ams@preset\bbl at ams@lap}%
- \AddToHook{env/gather*/begin}{\bbl at ams@preset\bbl at ams@lap}%
- \AddToHook{env/align/begin}{\bbl at ams@preset\bbl at ams@lap}%
- \AddToHook{env/align*/begin}{\bbl at ams@preset\bbl at ams@lap}%
- % Hackish, for proper alignment-don’t ask me why it works! :-)
- \bbl at exp{%
- \\\AddToHook{env/align*/end}{\<iftag@>\<else>\\\tag*{}\<fi>}}%
- \AddToHook{env/flalign/begin}{\bbl at ams@preset\hbox}%
- \AddToHook{env/split/before}{%
- \def\bbl at tempa{equation}%
- \ifx\@currenvir\bbl at tempa
- \def\bbl at ams@eqtagbox#1{%
- \setbox\z@\hbox{\bbl at eqnodir#1}%
- \hbox to\wd\z@{\box\z@}}%
- \fi}
- \AddToHook{env/equation/begin}{%
- \bbl at add\ignorespacesafterend{\hrule\@height\z@}%
- \ifnum\bbl at thetextdir>\z@
- \ifx\bbl at ams@lap\llap\hrule\@height\z@\fi
- \def\bbl at eqnodir{\bbl at textdir\@ne}%
- \bbl at textdir\z@
- \bbl at sreplace\maketag@@@{\hbox}{\bbl at ams@eqtagbox}%
- \fi}%
- \AddToHook{env/equation*/begin}{%
- \bbl at add\ignorespacesafterend{\hrule\@height\z@}%
- \ifnum\bbl at thetextdir>\z@
- \def\bbl at eqnodir{\bbl at textdir\@ne}%
- \bbl at textdir\z@
- \bbl at sreplace\maketag@@@{\hbox}{\bbl at ams@eqtagbox}%
- \fi}%
+ \ifx\bbl at noamsmath\@undefined
+ \edef\bbl at tempa{%
+ \catcode58=\the\catcode58\relax
+ \catcode95=\the\catcode95\relax}%
+ \catcode58=11
+ \catcode95=11
+ \bbl at sreplace\intertext@{\normalbaselines}%
+ {\normalbaselines
+ \ifx\bbl at eqnodir\relax\else\bbl at pardir\@ne\bbl at eqnodir\fi}%
+ \bbl at tempa
+ \def\bbl at ams@tagbox#1#2{#1{\bbl at eqnodir#2}}% #1=\hbox|ams at lap
+ \def\bbl at ams@eqtagbox#1{%
+ \setbox\z@\hbox{\bbl at eqnodir#1}%
+ \hbox to 0.01pt{%
+ \ifx\bbl at ams@lap\hbox
+ \hbox to\displaywidth{\hss\box\z@}\hss
+ \else
+ \hss\hbox to\displaywidth{\box\z@\hss}%
+ \fi}}
+ \def\bbl at ams@preset#1{%
+ \ifnum\bbl at thetextdir>\z@
+ \edef\bbl at eqnodir{\noexpand\bbl at textdir{\the\bbl at thetextdir}}%
+ \chardef\bbl at thetextdir\z@
+ \bbl at sreplace\textdef@{\hbox}{\bbl at ams@tagbox\hbox}%
+ \bbl at sreplace\maketag@@@{\hbox}{\bbl at ams@tagbox#1}%
+ \fi}
+ \@ifpackagewith{amsmath}{leqno}%
+ {\let\bbl at ams@lap\hbox}% = leqno
+ {\let\bbl at ams@lap\llap}% = default
+ %
+ \AddToHook{env/cases/begin}{\bbl at ams@preset\bbl at ams@lap}%
+ \AddToHook{env/multline/begin}{\bbl at ams@preset\hbox}%
+ \AddToHook{env/gather/begin}{\bbl at ams@preset\bbl at ams@lap}%
+ \AddToHook{env/gather*/begin}{\bbl at ams@preset\bbl at ams@lap}%
+ \AddToHook{env/align/begin}{\bbl at ams@preset\bbl at ams@lap}%
+ \AddToHook{env/align*/begin}{\bbl at ams@preset\bbl at ams@lap}%
+ % Hackish, for proper alignment-don’t ask me why it works! :-)
+ \bbl at exp{%
+ \\\AddToHook{env/align*/end}{\<iftag@>\<else>\\\tag*{}\<fi>}}%
+ \AddToHook{env/flalign/begin}{\bbl at ams@preset\hbox}%
+ \AddToHook{env/split/before}{%
+ \ifnum\bbl at thetextdir>\z@
+ \def\bbl at tempa{equation}%
+ \ifx\@currenvir\bbl at tempa
+ \def\bbl at ams@eqtagbox#1{%
+ \ifx\bbl at ams@lap\hbox
+ \hbox to0.01pt{\hss\bbl at eqnodir#1}% leqno
+ \else
+ \hbox to0.01pt{\bbl at eqnodir#1\hss}% eqno
+ \fi}
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ \AddToHook{env/equation/begin}{%
+ \ifnum\bbl at thetextdir>\z@
+ \ifx\bbl at ams@lap\llap\hrule\@height\z@\fi
+ \edef\bbl at eqnodir{\noexpand\bbl at textdir{\the\bbl at thetextdir}}%
+ \bbl at sreplace\maketag@@@{\hbox}{\bbl at ams@eqtagbox}%
+ \fi}%
+ \AddToHook{env/equation*/begin}{%
+ \ifnum\bbl at thetextdir>\z@
+ \edef\bbl at eqnodir{\noexpand\bbl at textdir{\the\bbl at thetextdir}}%
+ \bbl at sreplace\maketag@@@{\hbox}{\bbl at ams@eqtagbox}%
+ \fi}%
+ \fi
\ifx\bbl at opt@layout\@nnil\endinput\fi % if no layout
diff --git a/babel.ins b/babel.ins
index 91abd82..37a204d 100644
--- a/babel.ins
+++ b/babel.ins
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
%% and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with
%% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
\input docstrip.tex
diff --git a/babel.pdf b/babel.pdf
index 07334e7..9c2863e 100644
Binary files a/babel.pdf and b/babel.pdf differ
diff --git a/bbcompat.dtx b/bbcompat.dtx
index 068dcb5..954024b 100644
--- a/bbcompat.dtx
+++ b/bbcompat.dtx
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
% \iffalse
-\ProvidesFile{bbcompat.dtx}[2022/02/05 v3.70.2639]
+\ProvidesFile{bbcompat.dtx}[2022/02/10 v3.70.2644]
%% File 'bbcompat.dtx'
diff --git a/locale/sa/babel-sa-Deva.ini b/locale/sa/babel-sa-Deva.ini
index 56c9ffa..af9b9fb 100644
--- a/locale/sa/babel-sa-Deva.ini
+++ b/locale/sa/babel-sa-Deva.ini
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
charset = utf8
version = 0.12
-date = 2022-02-05
+date = 2022-02-06
name.local = संस्कृत
name.english = Sanskrit
name.babel = sanskrit
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