[l2h] I'd like a way to have four Greek words displayed in a .html file produced by LaTeX2HTML without too much space between adjacent Greek letters.

Nasser M. Abbasi nma at 12000.org
Tue Feb 12 08:15:03 CET 2013

On 2/12/2013 12:16 AM, Pat Somerville wrote:

> Here is a brief summary of the sort of things I have tried so far, but have not yet had the good-looking success I desire in LaTeX2HTML output with the four Greek words:
> A.
> ..
> \usepackage[greek,english]{babel}
> ..
> \begin{document}
> ..
> \greektext qronoc (to have "chi rho omicron nu omicron varsigma" in Greek letters)
> ...
> \latintext For English-language text here
> ....
> \end{document}
> That sort of thing worked in the .dvi (DeVice-Independent) file produced by a command of the
>form "latex MyFile.tex," but probably only produced "qronos" for me in the .html
>file produced by a latex2html ...... command using LaTeX2HTML 1.71.

I can't help since I get the same problem with (l2h 2008, 1.71) on Linux,
and I suspect this just means l2h does not have support for the Greek package?

But I tried your file above with htlatex, and it produced the correct out in html.
Here is a screen shot:


good luck,

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