[l2h] alignmentproblem eqnarray - amsmath - test-case - suggestion

Ross Moore ross at ics.mq.edu.au
Fri Jan 2 22:55:37 CET 2004

Hi Peter,

On Fri, 2 Jan 2004, Peter Morling wrote:

> Hi again,
> im sorry, you are right....the following is ok!! I just didnt test it good
> enough.


> -------
> What is wrong with the following ?
> <tr>
>   <td align=right nowrap width="50%"><i>much longer left much longer left
> much longer left</i>&nbsp;</td>
>   <td align=center nowrap>&nbsp; = &nbsp;</td>
>   <td align=left nowrap width="50%"><i>right</i></td>
>   <td nowrap>(1.1)</td>
> </tr>
> <tr>
>   <td align=right nowrap width="50%"><i>left</i>&nbsp;</td>
>   <td align=center nowrap>&nbsp; = &nbsp;</td>
>   <td align=left nowrap width="50%"><i>much longer right</i></td>
>   <td nowrap>(1.3)</td>
> </tr>
> ------------
> will you add these changes for both html 3.2 and 4.0.

I've already done so for  HTML 4.0 and 4.01
   ( -html_version 4.1   gives  4.01 )

Did you get my email where I discussed what is valid according
to the HTML recommendations ?
  HTML 3.2  does *not* allow  width="50%"  in <th> and <td> tags.
My nsgmls validator complains about these with 3.2, but not with 4.x.

(Browsers, however, will still recognise them, since they do not
seem to care about the DTD that has been specified.)

So I don't want to change the coding for LaTeX2HTML when generating
HTML 3.2.
But that doesn't stop you, either:
  1.  editing your own installed copy of  ..../versions/html3_2.pl
      (' width=\"50%\"'  needs to be inserted in 3 places only!)
  2.  within an init-file, putting an edited copy of the code-block
      for the subroutine  do_env_eqnarray , and use this for all
      of your critical jobs that benefit from this.

I think it is useful for LaTeX2HTML to continue producing, by default,
coding that is valid against the stated DTD.
(Though for ease of generating output that corresponds with TeX
expectations yet is not overly complicated to read, this DTD need not
be the 'strict' version of the W3C's HTML recommendations).
Yet it should remain easy for authors to deviate from this path,
should they choose to do so --- perhaps without even knowing it.

> Best,
> Peter

Hope this helps,
and thanks very much for your report and examples.

	Ross Moore

> Programmer Peter Morling, University of Southern Denmark
> Department of Statistics, Sdr. Boulevard 23A, DK-5000 Odense C
> Phone (+45) 6550 3399
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