[l2h] alignmentproblem eqnarray - amsmath - test-case - suggestion

Peter Morling pmorling at nat.sdu.dk
Fri Jan 2 15:01:59 CET 2004

Hi again,

im sorry, you are right....the following is ok!! I just didnt test it good

What is wrong with the following ?

  <td align=right nowrap width="50%"><i>much longer left much longer left
much longer left</i>&nbsp;</td>
  <td align=center nowrap>&nbsp; = &nbsp;</td>
  <td align=left nowrap width="50%"><i>right</i></td>
  <td nowrap>(1.1)</td>
  <td align=right nowrap width="50%"><i>left</i>&nbsp;</td>
  <td align=center nowrap>&nbsp; = &nbsp;</td>
  <td align=left nowrap width="50%"><i>much longer right</i></td>
  <td nowrap>(1.3)</td>

will you add these changes for both html 3.2 and 4.0.


Programmer Peter Morling, University of Southern Denmark
Department of Statistics, Sdr. Boulevard 23A, DK-5000 Odense C
Phone (+45) 6550 3399

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