[l2h] tex counters cannot be used in html 4.0 for programming latex2html

Peter Morling pmorling at nat.sdu.dk
Fri Jan 2 16:21:29 CET 2004

Dear Ross,

another problem occoured using html 4.0. Everytime you refer to a counter it
will be tagged with:

<SPAN CLASS="arabic"> \thecounter </SPAN>

...meaning you cannot use LaTeX counters for your own anchors!


<!-- Start of topanchor -->
<A NAME="SEC\endrawhtml\thesection\rawhtml">
<!-- End of topanchor -->

will produce in html 4.0

<!-- Start of topanchor -->
<A NAME="SEC<SPAN CLASS="arabic">1</SPAN>.<SPAN CLASS="arabic">0</SPAN>">
<!-- End of topanchor -->

in html 3.2 everything works fine and will produce:

<!-- Start of topanchor -->
<A NAME="SEC1.0">
<!-- End of topanchor -->

Is there a solution to this problem? (except for post-processing html for
the excact span-tag ;) )


Programmer Peter Morling, University of Southern Denmark
Department of Statistics, Sdr. Boulevard 23A, DK-5000 Odense C
Phone (+45) 6550 3399

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