[l2h] problems with alignment environment

William Martin martin at orie.cornell.edu
Tue Oct 28 09:30:13 CET 2003

I am having problems with alignment in the following latex section:


\def\bZ{\boldsymbol Z}
\def\bx{\boldsymbol x}
\hat \nu(\cdot) =&\frac 1k \sum_{i=1}^n
\epsilon_{\frac{\bZ_i }{\hat b(n/k)} }\label{defHatNu}\\
\hat S_1(\cdot)=&\frac{ \hat \nu \{\bx:\|\bx\| >1,\arctan
\frac{x^{(2)} }{x^{(1)} } \in \cdot \}}
{\hat \nu \{\bx:\|\bx\|>1\}}\nonumber\\
=& \frac{ \sum_{i=1}^n 1_{[\|\bZ_i\|/\hat b(n/k) >1]}
\epsilon_{\Theta_i}(\cdot) } {\sum_{i=1}^n 1_{[\|\bZ_i\|/\hat
b(n/k) >1]}
\intertext{where $\Theta_i=\arctan
\bigl(Z_i^{(2)}/Z_i^{(1)}\bigr)$. Also define} \hat
v=&\int_0^{\pi/2} (\theta -\pi/4)^2 \hat S_1 (d\theta)
  \sum_{i=1}^n 1_{[\|\bZ_i\|/\hat b(n/k) >1]}(\Theta_i -\pi/4)^2
} {\sum_{i=1}^n 1_{[\|\bZ_i\|/\hat b(n/k) >1]} }\label{defHatv}
\intertext{and} \hat \rho =&1-\frac{\hat

The last "=&1-\frac{\hat v}{(\pi/4)^2}" part is not aligned on the
'=' as the other sections of the are.

I am using Version 2002-2-1 (1.70) on a Windows NT machine.  I am using

latex2html  -init_file l2hinit -no_math  sid.tex -no_math

on the command line and

$HTML_VERSION = '3.2,math';

in the l2hinit file.

This latex file renders properly under Miktex.

Thank you.

-- Bill -- 

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