[l2h] tabularx problem
Ross Moore
Mon, 20 May 2002 23:41:55 +1000 (EST)
> Hi all,
> I am using latex2html and have the following problem:
> latex2html creates images instead of HTML tables when I put in
> tabularx tables.
> Do I use it incorrectly or did I overlook a limitation?
> Thanks in advance!
> Minimal example:
> ---- snip ----
> \documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{article}
> \usepackage{tabularx}
> \title{A test example}
> \author{My Name\\My Company \and Another Name\\Another Company \and
> Yet Another Name\\Yet Another Company}
> \begin{document}
> \maketitle
> \section{A test example section}
> This is the table I want, but it shows up as an image.
> \begin{table}[htb]
> \centering
> % absence of following 2 lines makes no difference
> \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.1}
> \renewcommand{\tabularxcolumn}[1]{m{#1}}
> \begin{tabularx}{0.75\linewidth}{| X | c |}
> \hline
> \multicolumn{2}{|l|}{\it One sub heading} \\
> \hline
> timestamp & yes \\
> \hline
> \end{tabularx}
> \end{table}
> Why does tabularx produce a table outside a float environment,
> even if it's wrong?
LaTeX2HTML recognises \begin{tabular} .... \end{tabular}
It has no direct support for \begin{tabularx}...\end{tabularx}
You can provide such support with a conditional definition:
assuming that \usepackage{html} is in the preamble.
> Can you figure out why the result is the way it is and how I can
> change it to procude HTML tables?
Without a definition such as above, the {tabularx} is treated
as an unknown environment, resulting in an image, as you have seen.
> And a last thing: How do I get the correct author setting, the way
> it is done in DVI? The HTML output does not look the way it should.
What do you mean by "the way it should" ?
LaTeX provides a simple default layout for \maketitle; so also does LaTeX2HTML.
If you want the date, you need to ask for it; e.g. using \date{\today}.
If you wish to customise the title, then link CSS styles to the tagging
used within the title part of the HTML page.
Hope this helps,
Ross Moore
> Thanks!
> sincerely
> Joachim
> --
> Joachim Schlosser
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