[l2h] Re: black borders in formulae and no contents
Franco A. Bignone
Fri, 19 Jul 2002 11:02:51 +0200
After some upgrading of my systems to SUSE 7.3 I have found with disappointment
the "black border problem" with settings and files that, under RedHat 6.1 and 7.0
worked fine. So: the version of netpbm installed is the 9.16 (with the bug
mentioned by Ross in previous postings). The funny thing is that there are several
problems. The *.tex file is segmented, and I build the web site with a Makefile
that take care of all the settings. On top of the black borders some formulas are
not displayed and the contents are missing. Changing the version of Latex2html
remove the problem, but it is enought to move back to RedHat 6.1 and everything is
fine again. I have noticed that netpbd is now at version 10.5, does anybody know
if fixes have been done ? I am currently planning an upgrade of my cluster, and
I would like to know if anybody has experience with the latest versions of SUSE and
RedHat in order to know how this can improve this problem. By the way my version
of netpbm (on RedHat 6.1, is number 1.0 from 1994).
Franco Bignone
* Dr. Franco A. Bignone, I.S.T., National Cancer Institute, Lab. Exp. *
* Oncology, Lr.go Rosanna Benzi, 10, 16132, Genova, Italy. *
* e-mail: franco.bignone@istge.it, abignone@unige.it *
* http://gendyn.ist.unige.it http://gendyn.istge.it *
* ph. home: +39-010-247-3070 (answ.) *
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