[l2h] undefined subroutine in graphics.perl and graphixs.perl

Bruce Miller bruce.miller@nist.gov
Thu, 01 Mar 2001 07:53:47 -0500

Ross Moore wrote:
> affecting \includegraphics*  --- yes, I see the bug.
> It has been fixed now at the repository.

Whoops! :<

> Yes, you must be. This was part of recent work by BM,
> to avoid unnecessary processing of included images.

BTW: I still intend to do something about handling the options,
and making image reuse more controllable, but I've been swamped lately.

I didn't see any responses to the last proposal, though; 'cause it
sounded obviously `right'? or clear as mud ?

> Thank you Chantal, for spotting this.

Yes, thanks, and apologies!

Bruce Miller
<bruce.miller@nist.gov>  http://math.nist.gov/~BMiller/