[l2h] numbering of subsections

Claudia Schremmer Claudia Schremmer <cschremm@pi4.informatik.uni-mannheim.de>
Mon, 10 May 1999 11:27:52 +0200 (MEST)

Hi all,

my latex document starts with section 20. When I call 

latex2html -show_section_numbers <file>.tex

the translator only converts the section number coorectly into
"20". The result looks like

20. section
1. subsection
2. subsection
1. subsubsection
2. subsubsection
3. subsection

instead of the required
20. section
20.1. subsection
20.2. subsection
20.2.1. subsubsection
20.2.2. subsubsection
20.3. subsection

How can I obtain the required results? See below parts of my coding.

Thank you in advance,

%*********** code ********************



  text text text

  text text text

  text text text


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