[fptex] Is there something wrong with the dvips in the fptex distribution?

Luis A Escobar luis@lsu.edu
Fri, 28 Jun 2002 05:38:30 -0500

This is an annoying problem that came up after I installed fptex in
   a new computer here (Windows 2000).

   I have slides (hundreds of them) that I generate in the
   latex   xx  ->  xx.dvi  ->  xx.ps -> x.pdf    the last step done using

  In my previous fptex the slides came up ready to be displayed
  using acrobat reader (or acrobat). Now the slides come up upside down.

 After hrs looking at this stupid thing, I found out that the
 dvips has what I consider a very strange behavior
  (  I am using  TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2c 7.3.7x)
  dvips(k)  5.90a)

  When I  generate the .ps  with
   dvips -T 11in,8.0in -o file1.ps file.dvi
   I get what I need.

   When i generate the .ps with
   dvips -T 11in,8.5in -o file2.ps file.dvi
   the slides come up side down.

   Unfortunately I need the later (-landscape does not solve the
   problem either)

    Why using a non-integer for the in -T11in,8.5in
    changes the orientation?

   The problem is going from .dvi to .ps
    I am almost sure that ps2pdf is not creating the problem.

    I am enclosing the relevant files.

    Thank you for any help

    Regards, Luis A.

(See attached file: file2.ps)(See attached file: file.tex)(See attached
file: file1.pdf)(See attached file: file1.ps)(See attached file: file2.pdf)
(See attached file: file.log)

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