[fptex] Installing fptex

Hillas, John j.hillas@auckland.ac.nz
Fri, 7 Jun 2002 10:57:55 +1200

Well it seems that at least in the extent 
of the problems I had I am alone.  

We are in the last week of classes here so
I won't be doing anything this week, but 
next week I'll try installing TeXLive on 
one of the computers here, and documenting
carefully what happens.  Perhaps I did 
something silly in the past, but there definitely 
had some problems until I deleted the association 
of .cnf files with speed dial.

I was not, by the way, suggesting that there be
any change to the file extensions in the
wonderful tetex or the equally wonderful fptex.
The most that would be required was a line or 
two in the installation instructions, and even this
seems unnecessary, given that the problem seems to
be largely unique to the setup here at University of

Thanks to everyone who replied.
