[fptex] updmap with fpTeX...

ALAN A DUNWELL DUNWELL@jila.colorado.edu
Wed, 19 Dec 2001 14:37:53 -0700

I'm looking at instructions from Wolfram for Mathematica 4.x and adding in 
their fonts so that LaTeX code generated by Mathematica can be used in a LateX 
document. They instruct:

--------- message clip -------
3.Merge the contents of /usr/share/texmf/dvips/init/wolfram.map into the the 
dvips file psfonts.map. This can be done by creating a symbolic link in 

        cd /usr/share/texmf/dvips/config
        ln -s ../init/wolfram.map ./wolfram.map

Afterwards, open the file /usr/share/texmf/dvips/config/updmap in a text editor 
and add wolfram.map to the list of files in the modules variable. After 
editing, the assignment may look something like this:  


Once the changes have been saved, run the script updmap with the working 
directory set to
        cd /usr/share/texmf/dvips/config

This will make the Mathematica Type 1 fonts available to dvips and other 
applications that use these configuration files.  
--------- end clip ------

Note the part about editing updmap. This is just fine in teTeX on a UNIX type 
box, but fpTeX has a different structure for updmap so their instructions don't 
apply. Further more the fpTeX version looks to be a direct copy from a some 
other UNIX type machine:
------- fpTeX updmap --------
# updmap: create psfonts.map from smaller "modules".
rm -f psfonts.map
cat `ls ../*/*.map | grep -v bsr.*map | grep -v hoekwater.map \
| grep -v tli.map  | grep -v bakomaextra.map ` \
| grep -v '^%' | sort | uniq | sed '/^$/d' > psfonts.map
--------- end updmap ---------

so I have to question whether this can be run on a WinDoz machine at all.

Suggestions for this part of the process.

Alan Dunwell


!Reply to:                                               
! Alan A. Dunwell, JILA Software Manager,               
! JILA - CB440, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder,Co. 80309   
! E-Mail - dunwell@jila.colorado.edu                                            
! Voice  - (303) 492-5308   FAX - (303) 492-5235         