troubles after installation

Denis Bitouzé
Fri, 22 Sep 2000 19:13:36 +0200


I installed fpTeX 0.4 on a Windows NT system, as root. I did the setup 
for all users. Two troubles occur:

 1) Though I uncommented the line TEXMFLOCAL and set it up to
             TEXMFLOCAL = c:/TeX/texmf-local
 (the default was % TEXMFLOCAL = c:/TeX/texmf.local but I replaced the 
dot by a `-'; maybe I am wrong).
 I restarted the computer, I created all formats files, I did a lot of 
things but I have no answer at the command
             kpsewhich --expand-var $TEXMFLOCAL
 Nevertheless, as root, I am able to compile .tex files with latex but, 
of course, no file in texmf-local is found.

 2) I had the same trouble as user but, moreover, I couldn't compile any 
.tex files with latex. It is said that latex.fmt cannot be found.

Any help would be appreciated.

Have a nice week-end, everybody!


Denis Bitouzé
I.U.T. de Saint Omer-Dunkerque
Département Génie Thermique et Énergie
Centre Universitaire de la Citadelle
Quai Freycinet 1
B.P. 5.313
59379 DUNKERQUE Cedex 1
Téléphone : 03-28-23-70-56
Télécopie : 03-28-23-70-49