gsftopk.exe, tex.exe

Staszek Wawrykiewicz
Wed, 19 Jan 2000 04:49:46 +0100 (MET)

gsftopk seems to work well with gs5.99. Great!

Testing the new tex-20000118.exe (as well from 19991218) on win95:

fmtutil -byfmt=latex
Running: tex -interaction=nonstopmode -ini -fmt=latex -progname=latex        latex.ini
Bad command or file name

Bad interaction with fmtutil? Rather <nul is passed into the second line,
look at the spaces and to the next example:

fmtutil -byfmt=tex
  displays _exactly_:
Running: tex -interaction=nonstopmode -ini -fmt=tex -progname=tex        
tex.ini <nul
Bad command or file name

Running from the command line, e.g.:
tex -interaction=nonstopmode -ini -fmt=latex -progname=latex latex.ini
works well, of course.

The most interesting is that fmtutil -byfmt=pdftex (or pdflatex) works well.
The same is when I run fmtutil -all; some formats are generated, some not.

Something special what those with enought patience ;-)
I've made change in mktex.cnf to try ps2pk via windvi:

kpathsea: Running mktexpk --mfmode ljfour --bdpi 600 --mag 2+0/600 --dpi 1200 qplr
ps2pk.exe: AFM file e:/TEXL/texmf/fonts/type1/public/qfonts/qplr.afm not found!
                                        ====== ??

It seems that ps2pk failed to search AFM file in the proper directory.
There is, of course, e:/TEXL/texmf/fonts/afm/public/qfonts/qplr.afm
but it is in real fault in mktexpk when passing arguments. Running from 
the command line: 
  ps2pk -v -eqpl.enc -X1200 -R600 qplr.pfb qplr.1200pk
works fine, all files were found, even .enc.
The question: how mktexpk can pass all needed information for ps2pk, 
also encoding (.enc) file? Is taken into account?
I've made texmf/dvips/config/ (as in teTeX, where all above 
simply works), but nothing was cured, even windvi (0.66) finish now with
general failure error.

Staszek Wawrykiewicz