about windvi

Fabrice Popineau fabrice.popineau@supelec.fr
Thu, 27 May 1999 09:52:58 +0200

> What I intend is to have a "typeset" button in Winedt that calls a script
> with the following behavior:
> "typeset" the document                        (no problem at this point)
> if no dvi is generated then exit            (no problem at this point)
> if windvi is already opened then         (how to check this ?)
>      update the display                  (this is done by windvi if it is
> not reopened)
> else
>     open windvi for the first time
> endif
> This could be done in my script file (but I do not know how to get the
> information in the script about the state, already opened or not, of
> windvi), or well windvi could manage this behavior (but if you open it
> the single instance option, windvi is opened again at the first page).

This is a feature that could be added. There could be actually more interest
for the 'single instance' feature to be per document. However, it will be
until some other problems are fixed.

I do not know how to do it from .bat files. And it is certainly true that
Emacs could
handle that.
