about windvi

Juan I. Montijano monti@posta.unizar.es
Thu, 27 May 1999 09:33:57 +0200

Hi again,

I am using the last version of fptex together with Winedt.  This editor has
really great features and I prefer to keep using it.

What I intend is to have a "typeset" button in Winedt that calls a script
with the following behavior:

"typeset" the document                        (no problem at this point)
if no dvi is generated then exit            (no problem at this point)
if windvi is already opened then         (how to check this ?)
     update the display                  (this is done by windvi if it is
not reopened)
    open windvi for the first time

This could be done in my script file (but I do not know how to get the
information in the script about the state, already opened or not, of
windvi), or well windvi could manage this behavior (but if you open it with
the single instance option, windvi is opened again at the first page).

Any suggestion ?

Juan Ignacio

Jody Klymak wrote:

> Hello Jaun,
> I don't know what version of windvi you are using, but newer versions
> automatically update the display if the .dvi file changes.  They also
> remain on the same page.
> BTW have you considered using AUCTeX and emacs?  It handles all this for
> you automatically.
> Cheers,  Jody

Juan I. Montijano              e-mail:  monti@posta.unizar.es
Dept. Matematica Aplicada      Tf.:     +34 976 761120
Universidad de Zaragoza        FAX      +34 976 761125
50005-Zaragoza (Spain)