wish list

Erik Frambach E.H.M.Frambach@eco.rug.nl
Wed, 9 Sep 1998 10:50:12 +0100

Suggestions for improvements of WINDVI:

- improve the `log':
  - get rid of `gsdll_execute_end returns -17'
  - don't run in another window that has to be closed separately,
    make it an option in the menu
- show at least some kind of message on start up. on some systems
  (network, cdrom) it can take more 10 seconds before anything
  shows up.
- collor support: using colordvi I get strange results. try this
  \input colordvi
  This is `normal'.
  \Goldenrod{This is Goldenrod},
  \PineGreen{PineGreen}, \Gray{Gray},
  \Lavender{Lavender} and \Red{Red}.
  and see what happens when you scroll through the page and magnify and
  demagnify. weird. using the `looking glass' can also screw up colors.

Erik Frambach