[dvipdfmx] Intermittent xdvipdfmx failure

Philip Taylor P.Taylor at Hellenic-Institute.Uk
Tue Jan 26 09:09:07 CET 2021

Tim Eyre wrote:

> Your build of xdvipdfmx.exe does not crash. Domo arigatou gozaimasu.

Tim, could I ask you to try my CMD script with your error-manifesting 
combination of Windows 10 and TeX Live 2020 ?  As I am seemingly unable 
to reproduce the problem here using Windows 7 64-bit (Enterprise) and 
TeX Live 2020, it would be good to be certain that my CMD script is 
robust and will catch the error if it occurs.  The script is below.

/Philip Taylor/

@echo off



xetex -no-pdf test.tex

FOR /L %%n in (1,1,1073741823) DO (xdvipdfmx -q -z 0 test.xdv && FOR %%m 
in (test.pdf) DO ECHO Iteration %%n: %%~zm bytes && IF %%~zm == 393023 
(DEL good.pdf && REN %%m good.pdf) ELSE (REN %%m bad.pdf && PAUSE)) || 
ECHO Failed with error %ERRORLEVEL% && PAUSE

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