[accessibility] Seeking Help for Producing Accessible PDF

Boris Veytsman borisv at lk.net
Tue Jun 22 18:28:06 CEST 2021

JWva> Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2021 19:06:25 -0400
JWva> From: Jason White via accessibility <accessibility at tug.org>

JWva> The installation process under Microsoft Windows is more problematic, 
JWva> but it can be worked around. The graphical installer wasn't very 
JWva> accessible with a screen reader when I last tried it, so I needed to 
JWva> extract the archive manually and run the command line setup tool. I 
JWva> apologize for the vagueness of this description; I can't remember the 
JWva> steps in detail anymore. By contrast, Linux and Mac OS are trivial so 
JWva> far as installation is concerned.

Did you try the no-gui mode?

install-tl-windows -gui=text

This is described in

Good luck


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