[accessibility] Seeking Help for Producing Accessible PDF

Jonathan Fine jfine2358 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 19 11:12:44 CEST 2021

Hi Sanchit

We are your sighted assistants with many years of LaTeX experience and a
wish to make LaTeX better for blind persons such as yourself. I'm impressed
that you've typeset your document on two platforms.

I suggest you provide us with the TeX source for your term paper. Use
Google Drive as before if you wish. This will greatly improve communication
between us, and allow us to try things ourselves before making suggestions
to you.

Even better would be if you include in the sharing the output log and aux
files, and the image files you're including.

You getting technical help with the typesetting of the term paper in no way
takes away from the academic credit you deserve for the content of the term
paper. That's my opinion.

I'm reminded of https://www.bemyeyes.com/, except without the video call.

best wishes

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