[texhax] broken footnotes

Jim Haynes jhhaynes at earthlink.net
Tue Mar 10 00:11:13 CET 2015

I did a fresh install of Fedora 21 recently.  I installed a whole bunch
of texlive packages from the Fedora repository, mostly having to hunt and
peck because there don't seem to be any dependencies in the packages.

When I got all done my latex sources that involve footnotes are broken.
When it gets to a \footnote{...} item I get

! Math formula deleted: Insufficient extension fonts.
\@ensuredmath #1->$\relax #1$

l.60 ...tnote{ actually 500 characters per minute}


Am I missing some necessary texlive package?

(I don't know much about TeX/LaTeX, just enough to get into trouble)

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