[texhax] Problem with dviout

Michael Barr barr at math.mcgill.ca
Mon Sep 3 14:27:30 CEST 2007

That should work (since tex is working properly, as far as I have tested 
it).  I don't like to go that route however, since you have to exit the 
file in order to recompile and I am accustomed to making small changes and 
recompiling immediately.  However, this is only a travel computer, so...


On Mon, 3 Sep 2007, Reinhard Kotucha wrote:

> Michael Barr writes:
>  > You were right; the route to mf was not in the path (but why didn't the 
>  > installation program do that?).  Now there are new errors:
>  > C:\math>C:\TEXLIV~1\bin\win32\mktexpk.exe --mfmode / --dpi 600 --bdpi 600 
> If your previewer is unable to deal with scalable fonts it makes more
> sense to use pdftex and Adobe-Reader instead.
> Regards,
>   Reinhard

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