
The Communications of 
the TeX Users Group

TUGboat 36:1, 2015

printing press

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Complete issue 36:1 as one pdf (11.8mb) 
Front cover   c1 
Inside front cover   c2 
Contents ordered by difficulty   c3 
Title page   
Editorial information   
General Delivery
Ab epistulis 
  Steve Peter      [Introductory — election, TUG'15 conference, /membership]
Editorial comments 
  Barbara Beeton      [Introductory — typography and TUGboat news]
    Status of CTAN at Cambridge;     RIP Brian Housley;     Oh, zero!— Lucida news;     First Annual Updike Prize;     Talk by Tobias Frere-Jones;     Monotype Recorder online;     Doves Press type recovered;     Textures resurfaces;     LaTeX vs. Word in academic publications;     Miscellanea;     A final admonishment
Hyphenation exception log 
  Barbara Beeton      [Reports and notices — update for missed and incorrect U.S. English hyphenations]
What does a typical brief for a new typeface look like? 
  Thomas Phinney      [Introductory — questions and answers on starting a new type design]
Inconsolata unified 
  Michael Sharpe      [Introductory — bold version, alternate forms, available in usual formats, samples]
A TUG Postcard or, The Trials of a Letterpress Printer 
  Peter Wilson      [Introductory — an account of making a postcard for the TUG membership campaign]
Typographers' Inn 
  Peter Flynn      [Intermediate — Portable typesetting; typographic logos]
LaTeX news, issue 21, May 2014 
  LaTeX Project Team      [Intermediate — regular LaTeX2e bug-fix release, retaining compatibility]
Beamer overlays beyond the \visible 
  Joseph Wright      [Intermediate — generalized overlays for only, alert, and other operations]
Glisterings: Here or there; parallel texts; abort the compilation 
  Peter Wilson 
         using the correct margin, and more
Electronic Documents
Online LaTeX editors and other resources 
  Paweł Łupkowski      [Intermediate — writeLaTeX, ShareLaTeX, mobile apps, detexify, tables]
Exporting XML and ePub from ConTeXt 
  Hans Hagen      [Intermediate Plus — structured output approaches and styles]
The box-glue-penalty algebra of TeX and its use of \prevdepth 
  Frank Mittelbach      [Advanced — output routines, following paragraphs, and an unsolvable problem]
    This online version has a correction in the “Calculation of vertical glue” section.
Software & Tools
The bird and the lion: arara 
  Paulo Cereda      [Intermediate Plus — a cross-platform tool for compilation workflows]
The SWIGLIB project 
  Luigi Scarso      [Advanced — building and distributing shared libraries to extend LuaTeX]
    Errata: on p.42, the argument should be 1 in the assignment to x, and 2 in the assignment to y, not -1 and -2.
Still tokens: LuaTeX scanners 
  Hans Hagen      [Advanced — a new TeX token scanner library in LuaTeX]
Hints & Tricks
The treasure chest 
  Karl Berry      [Intermediate — new CTAN packages, October 2014–March 2015]
Book Reviews
Book review: Algorithmic Barriers Falling: P=NP?, by Donald E. Knuth and Edgar Daylight 
  David Walden      [Reports and notices — review of this second extended interview with Knuth]
         See the TUG books page for all book reviews and discounts.
Book review: History of the Linotype Company, by Frank Romano 
  Boris Veytsman      [Reports and notices — review of this history of the people, typography, and more at Linotype]
GUST: EuroBachoTeX 2014   60-62 
Die TeXnische Komödie: Contents of issues 4/2014–1/2015   63 
TUG Business
TUG 2015 election 
  TUG Elections committee 
TUG financial statements for 2014 
  Karl Berry 
Institutional members   69 
TeX consulting and production services   69-70 
TUG 2015 announcement   71 
Calendar   72 

TUGboat 36:1, 2015 (issue 112)   [generated 2024-09-12]
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