PSTricks - Graphics for T<span class="e">e</span>X and L<span class="a">a</span>T<span class="e">e</span>X

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Extended translation of the the 5th edition


the 7th edition, total of 960 colored pages


2nd edition, 212 pages, includes 32 color pages










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Read the latest news of updates for pstricks.tex!

Important: PSTricks packages are divided into the core and contributed ones. The core is pstricks.

Important: PSTricks (except package pst-text) now works with lualatex, which creates directly a pdf outpunt.

Frequently done errors ...

  1. Using PSTricks together with TikZ causes a problem after the last update of the dvi driver of TikZ when using package auto-pst-pdf. Here is an example of how to use the package without a problem.
  2. Do not choose pstricks.tex as a file name, it is the name of the main PSTricks package! Windows users pay attention here, there is no difference in lower or uppercase letters.
  3. PSTricks is PostScript Tricks, viewing your PS or PDF output with a PS or PDF viewer is appropriate. Nearly all DVI-viewers cannot show rotations or movings, hence not the correct output.
  4. You cannot run your files with pdftex/pdflatex, use lualatex instead or the sequence latex->dvips->ps2pdf, or see topic pdfoutput
  5. If you get a rotated page then use always ps2pdf -dAutoRotagePages=/None .... See also here for Windows user
  6. linestyle=dashed doesn't work after an update of pstricks.tex. You should update also and pstricks.sty.
  7. Error message: no room for a new dimen. See TeX-FAQ for what to do ...
  8. \pspicture[0.5] ... doesn't work anymore! Use instead [shift=*] Read the docs!
  9. If you have a problem with the optional argument [pdf], then use always
    \usepackage{auto-pst-pdf,pstricks} or \usepackage{auto-pst-pdf,pstricks-add} or ...

News ...
Playground ... :-)
  1. 2024-07-10: update pst-node
  2. 2024-07-08: update pst-diffraction
  3. 2024-07-06: update pst-electricfield
  4. 2024-07-05: update pstricks base
  5. 2023-11-03: update pst-solides3d
  6. 2023-11-10: update pst-solarsystem
  7. 2023-11-03: update pst-3dplot
  8. 2022-12-20: new package pst-flags
  9. 2022-11-21: update pstricks-add
  10. 2022-11-21: update pst-plot
  11. 2022-10-22: update pst-osci
  12. 2022-10-16: update pst-math
  13. 2022-08-25: update pst-barcode
  14. 2022-07-15: update pst-magneticfield
  15. 2021-11-13: update With up-to-date PSTricks you can run yor PSTricks source with lualatex. The output is a PDF file without using GhostScript. The only macro which does not work is \pscharpath.
  16. 2020-11-05: update pst2pdf
  17. Problem with transparency of areas. It maybe a problem with Ghostscript. Use
    ps2pdf -dALLOWPSTRANSPARENCY <file>.ps
  18. 2020-11-01: update pst-eucl
  19. 2020-03-24: update pst-ob3d
  20. 2020-03-24: update pst-tools
  21. 2020-03-17: update and removed from CTAN pst-spirograph
  22. 2020-03-17: update pst-fractal
  23. 2019-10-02: new package pst-turtle
  24. 2019-01-24: update pst-calculate
  25. 2019-01-22: update pst-circ
  26. Problem with transparency of areas. It maybe a problem with Ghostscript. Use
    ps2pdf -dNOSAFER <file>.ps
  27. 2019-01-01: update pst-lsystem
  28. 2018-12-30: update pst-text
  29. 2018-12-29: update pst-solides3d
  30. 2018-12-17: update pst-cie
  31. 2018-12-16: update pst-func
  32. 2018-12-04: new package pst-venn
  33. 2018-10-27: new package pst-moire
  34. 2018-09-27: new package pst-feyn
  35. 2018-09-25: new package pst-marble
  36. 2018-09-24: new package pst-lsystem
  37. 2018-06-01: new TeXLive 2018
  38. 2018-02-14: new package pst-antiprism
  39. Problem with seminar
    ! Undefined control sequence.
    l.2805 \ifpst@psfonts
    ! Emergency stop.
    Update your TeX distribution or update at least the file pst-ovl.sty
  40. 2017-06-18: update pst-ode
  41. 2017-06-02: new package pst-vehicle
  42. 2017-05-18: new package pst-poker
  43. 2017-05-11: new package pst-spinner
  44. 2016-12-28: update pst-shell
  45. 2016-12-17: updated website PSTricks by Manuel Luque
  46. 2016-12-14: update pst-geo
  47. 2015-05-18: update pst-coil
  48. 2014-11-03: update pst-optexp
  49. 2014-08-28 update pst-poly
  50. 2014-05-18: update seminar
  51. 2014-04-19: update pst-perspective
  52. 2014-03-18: update pst-intersect
  53. 2014-02-18: update pst-mirror
  54. 2013-12-27: new package pst-ovl
  55. 2013-10-27: update pst-gantt
  56. 2013-07-05: new images for atoms and photons
  57. 2012-05-26: Problem with XeTeX and latest TeXLive201X update. If you get the following error message:
     GPL Ghostscript X.XX: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
     ** WARNING ** Filtering file via command -->ps2pdf -dCompatibilityLevel=1.5
     -sPAPERSIZE=a0 -dAutoFilterGrayImages=false -dGrayImageFilter=/FlateEncode -
     dAutoFilterColorImages=false -dColorImageFilter=/FlateEncode
    edit the file .../texlive/20XX/texmf/dvipdfmx/dvipdfmx.cfg to insert the option -dNOSAFER into the line with ps2pdf
    D  "ps2pdf -dCompatibilityLevel=%v -dNOSAFER -sPAPERSIZE=a0 ...
    without -dNOSAFER ghostscript can't run external files. If you have another TeX distribution, then you'll find the location of the file by running "kpsewhich dvipdfmx.cfg".
  58. 2011-11-05: update pst-slpe
  59. 2011-08-20: update pst-bspline
  60. 2011-06-06: new package pst-rubans
  61. Problem with MiKTeX 2.9 and viewing a dvi file.
    MiKTeX Problem Report
    Message: Some PostScript specials could not be rendered.
    Data: Error: /undefined in tx@Dict
    Operand stack:
       --nostringval--   PermitFileReading   --nostringval-- PermitFileWriting    
    [ ... ]
    Go into the setup of MiKTeX (YAP) and choose dvips instead of pk for the rendering of method of YAP
  62. 2011-03-27: update pst-electricfield
  63. 2011-03-13: new package pst-graphicx
  64. 2011-02-01: new package pst-tvz





























since 2016-12-19

$Id: main 1641 2024-07-11 15:55:55Z hvoss $
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package authors
L. Akhmadeeva
C. Bersch
V. Bos
J.-C. Charpentier
M. Chupin
F. Delgosha
A. Delmotte
M. Diamantini
P. Drechsler
J. Frampton
M. Giese
J. Gilg
D. Girou
A. Grahn
C. Jorssen
J.-G. Luque
M. Luque
P. Megrét
T. Nähring
R. Niepraschk
A. Ristow
D. Rodriguez
J.-M. Sarlat
A. Schmittbuhl
M. Sharpe
T. Söll
T. Van Zandt
B: Veytsman
J.-P. Vignault
H. Voß

local time: Thu Oct 24 00:46:59 CEST 2024 ; file is: 104.285462962963 days old
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