Workshops at TUG 2024

There is no extra fee for any of the workshops. Preregistration is required only for the LaTeX workshop.

LaTeX developers' workshop (limited seats)

On Thursday, July 18, Tagged and Accessible PDF: A workshop for package/class developers, will be organized by the LaTeX team. This is the day before the regular conference; time: 14:00-17:30.

Travel instructions: The workshop takes place in the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics building at the address Sokolovska 49/83, Room K6 on the ground floor; look for TUG markings. Tram is the simplest mean of travel: Board tram 8 or 29 from the station in front of Grandior (the one closer to Grandior). Take three stops and get off at Krizikova. The building is then just across the tram line. You'll need a CZK30 ticket (or less if senior) for each journey. If you want to travel in a group, please be in the Grandior lobby at 13:30 on Thursday and a conference staff member will join you.

To attend the workshop, please check the box on the conference registration form, and (either in the comments field on the form, or by email to us) briefly describe your interests and your level of expertise in TeX coding, the PDF format and related areas.

There is no charge for the workshop, whether or not you attend the conference, but space is limited, so please sign up earlier rather than later. It will not be recorded or streamed, due to the close and open interaction required for a successful workshop.

Details of the workshop will depend on the interests and knowledge of potential participants. For background, you may wish to consult some of the accessibility references. Please describe your situation when you register, or by email to the organizers.

Creation of LaTeX documents using a cloud-based pipeline

(date and time tbd; will be held in the main conference venue; duration approximately 2-3 hours.)

This will be a tutorial on using git as well as GitHub/GitLab pipelines for LaTeX document development. The duration is expected to be two hours or more, depending on the final schedule.

Most LaTeX users compile on the local machine or using online services like Overleaf. There also is a third option: build servers. That option is especially interesting when one versions the project using git. This tutorial will show you how to get from an installation of git to a LaTeX document compiled by a build server. At first, concepts of git and GitHub/GitLab will be explained. This includes the concept of branches, pushes, automated checks on the build server, and collaborative work using pull/merge requests. After that, there is time for practical exercises and questions.

Participants are asked to create a GitHub or GitLab account before the start, but we will also show how to run a pipeline locally so this is not a strict requirement.

TeXFolio: Manuscript preparation system using TeX

(date and time tbd; ; will be held in the main conference venue; duration approximately one hour.)

This will be a tutorial on installing TeXFolio in a system and using it safely for manuscript preparation. The duration will be one hour.

The standard typesetting software for manuscript preparation in the complex domains of Scientific, Technical, and Medical (STM) publishing is TeX. Seasoned LaTeX users navigate this system with ease. However, newcomers to LaTeX or those lacking a proper TeX installation face significant challenges, particularly when adhering to specific journal templates. While existing web-based platforms offer some assistance, we introduce a streamlined alternative: TeXFolio. This lightweight iteration of TeXFolio Professional can be installed locally on individual systems or deployed on private organizational clouds, catering to researchers and students. TeXFolio empowers authors to compose manuscripts independently, ensuring data security without reliance on external web-based solutions.

Participants must have a basic knowledge of TeX.

Other conference pages:

$Date: 2024/06/21 22:35:58 $; conference home page; email organizers. TUG home page; join TUG/renew membership; webmaster; facebook; x; mastodon.