TUG 2018 - Program & participants

Accepted presentations for the conference and registered participants will be listed here as time goes by. For now, please see these links:


Friday, July 20

8:55Paulo Ney de SouzaOpening
9:00Roberto IerusalimschyThe making of Lua (35:19 video)
9:45Eduardo OchsDednat6: an extensible (semi-)preprocessor for LuaLaTeX that understands diagrams in ASCII art (slides and more, 25:55 video)
10:40Mico LoretanSelective ligature suppression with the selnolig package (48:06 video)
11:15Joseph WrightFly me to the moon: (La)TeX testing (and more) using Lua (26:15 video)
11:50Paulo CeredaFrom parrot 1.0 to phoenix 4.0: 6 years of arara, the beginning of a new era (preprint, 28:25 video)
1:45Will RobertsonCreating teaching material with LaTeXML for the Canvas Learning Management System (36:09 video)
2:25Ross MooreAuthoring accessible Tagged PDF documents using LaTeX (47:50 video)
3:20Sandro Coriasco, Anna CapiettoAn automated method based on LaTeX for the realization of accessible PDF documents containing formulae (32:55 video)
3:55Doris BehrendtThe General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union (32:00 video)
5:00 Workshop: Accessibility challenges in LaTeX (description as accessible pdf; with duck; source)

Saturday, July 21

9:00Frank MittelbachA quarter century of doc (28:12 video)
9:35Joseph WrightThrough the looking glass, and what Joseph found there (30:43 video)
10:30Boris VeytsmanStubborn leaders six years later (19:27 video)
11:05Joseph Wrightsiunitx: Past, present and future (28:33 video)
11:40Frank MittelbachCompatibility in the world of LaTeX (preprint, 57:13 video)
2:00Paulo Ney de SouzaMinimizing LaTeX files—First steps on journal automated processing (51:37 video)
2:35Tom Hejdayoin—Yet another package for automation of journal typesetting (38:47 video)
3:30Joachim HeinzeThe unchanged changing world of mathematical publishing
4:05Boris VeytsmanR+knitr workshop

Sunday, July 22

9:00S.K. VenkatesanWaTeX (WYSIWYG and LaTeX) and Hegelian contradictions in classical mathematics (slides, 34:30 video)
9:35Susanne Raab,
Paulo Cereda (presenter)
A short introduction to the TikZducks package (23:14 video)
10:30Jaeyoung ChoiFreetype_MF_Module: Using Metafont directly inside FreeType's rasterizer (preprint, 26:17 video)
11:05Will RobertsonUnicode fonts with fontspec and unicode-math (56:13 video)
1:00bus to Sugarloaf

Conference participants

  1. Francisco J Alves, Rio de Janeiro
  2. Maynara Azevedo Aredes, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
  3. Felipe da Silva Barreto, Rio de Janeiro
  4. Nelson Beebe, University of Utah
  5. Doris Behrendt, DANTE e.V.
  6. Waldemar Celes, PUC-Rio & Lua Team
  7. Paulo Cereda, University of São Paulo
  8. Jaeyoung Choi, Soongsil University
  9. Marcel de Sena Dall'Agnol, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  10. Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo, IMPA, Lua Team
  11. Gert Fischer, Mönchengladbach, Germany
  12. Ulrike Fischer, Mönchengladbach, Germany
  13. Mylena da Silva Gomes, Rio de Janeiro
  14. Joachim Heinze, Springer Verlag
  15. Tom Hejda, Charles University Prague
  16. Roberto Ierusalimschy, PUC-Rio, Lua Team
  17. Eduardo Kalinowski, Brasilia, Brazil
  18. Mico Loretan, Zurich, Switzerland
  19. Jonas Malaco, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  20. Frank Mittelbach, LaTeX Project
  21. Ross Moore, Macquarie University
  22. Eduardo Ochs, UFF
  23. Matheus Rocha de Souza Ramos, Ufes
  24. Ana Claudia Ribeiro, E-papers Serviços Editoriais Ltda.
  25. Will Robertson, University of Adelaide
  26. Chris Rowley, PCEC and LaTeX
  27. Volker RW Schaa, DANTE e.V.
  28. Paulo Ney de Souza, University of California, Berkeley & BooksInBytes
  29. Arthur Szasz, Protocubo
  30. S.K. Venkatesan, TNQ
  31. Boris Veytsman, George Mason University & Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
  32. Joseph Wright, LaTeX Project

July 19 workshop participants

On July 19 we will hold an 8-hour TeX training workshop in Portuguese: from basics to TikZ and beyond; installation clinic and consultants available throughout the day.

Videos: Class1 (1:24:40),   Class2 (1:05:47),   Class3 (32:34),   Class4 (49:19),   Class5 (1:40:41).

  1. Ana Claudia Ribeiro
  2. Beatriz Cabal
  3. Bismarck Gomes Souza Junior
  4. Daniella Gonzaga
  5. Leonardo Borges
  6. Luiz Felipe Ferreira da Silva
  7. Marlon Douglas Verissimo de Lima
  8. Matheus Rocha de Souza Ramos
  9. Raphael Rocha
  10. Rodolfo de Araújo Bezerra
  11. Ronaldo Costa da Silva
  12. Thalita Ferraz
  13. Wallace Pereira da Silva

To reserve a place in this workshop, please email paulo@berkeley.edu. It is not necessary to attend the conference to participate in the workshop.

$Date: 2018/07/30 22:18:21 $; conference home page; TUG home page; join TUG/renew membership; webmaster; facebook; x; mastodon.