Accepted presentations for the conference and registered participants will be listed here as time goes by. For now, please see these links:
9:00 | Frank Mittelbach | A quarter century of doc (28:12 video) |
9:35 | Joseph Wright | Through the looking glass, and what Joseph found there (30:43 video) |
10:10 | break | |
10:30 | Boris Veytsman | Stubborn leaders six years later (19:27 video) |
11:05 | Joseph Wright | siunitx: Past, present and future (28:33 video) |
11:40 | Frank Mittelbach | Compatibility in the world of LaTeX (preprint, 57:13 video) |
12:40 | lunch | |
2:00 | Paulo Ney de Souza | Minimizing LaTeX files—First steps on journal automated processing (51:37 video) |
2:35 | Tom Hejda | yoin—Yet another package for automation of journal typesetting (38:47 video) |
3:10 | break | |
3:30 | Joachim Heinze | The unchanged changing world of mathematical publishing |
4:05 | Boris Veytsman | R+knitr workshop |
7:00 | banquet |
9:00 | S.K. Venkatesan | WaTeX (WYSIWYG and LaTeX) and Hegelian contradictions in classical mathematics (slides, 34:30 video) |
9:35 | Susanne Raab, Paulo Cereda (presenter) | A short introduction to the TikZducks package (23:14 video) |
10:10 | break | |
10:30 | Jaeyoung Choi | Freetype_MF_Module: Using Metafont directly inside FreeType's rasterizer (preprint, 26:17 video) |
11:05 | Will Robertson | Unicode fonts with fontspec and unicode-math (56:13 video) |
11:40 | lunch | |
1:00 | bus to Sugarloaf |
On July 19 we will hold an 8-hour TeX training workshop in Portuguese: from basics to TikZ and beyond; installation clinic and consultants available throughout the day.
Videos: Class1 (1:24:40), Class2 (1:05:47), Class3 (32:34), Class4 (49:19), Class5 (1:40:41).
To reserve a place in this workshop, please email It is not necessary to attend the conference to participate in the workshop.