TUG 2009

Presentations on LaTeX, TeX,
MetaPost, LuaTeX,
and more

The 30th Annual Meeting of the TeX Users Group

Free workshop day: July 28, 2009
TUG 2009: July 29-31, 2009

University of Notre Dame / Notre Dame, Indiana 46556  USA

http://tug.org/tug2009 • tug2009@tug.org

Eitan Gurari has been part of the TeX community for many years, and was going to be a featured speaker at this conference. It is with great regret that we learned he prematurely passed away on June 22 (memorial notice). We will miss him immensely. Our sincere condolences to his family and friends.

This three-day conference focuses on practical techniques for document production using LaTeX, TeX, ConTeXt, MetaPost, and friends. A day of free concurrent workshops precedes the conference.

Hope to see you there!

Dates and deadlines

Further information

Conference flyer and publicity

Mentioning the conference to colleagues and in any other contexts would be very much appreciated. We'd also be grateful for any posting of this one-page PDF flyer.



Sponsored by the TeX Users Group, the Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, and DANTE e.V., with additional support from River Valley Technologies (UK) and River Valley Technologies (India), and with special assistance from individual contributors. Thanks to all!

A list of past TeX meetings is available.

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