Practical TeX 2006

LaTeX Workshop and
Presentations on LaTeX, TeX, ConTeXt,
and more

LaTeX Workshop: July 25-28, 2006
Practical TeX Conference: July 30-August 1, 2006

Rutgers, the State University (Busch Campus)
Piscataway, New Jersey, USA

Keynote address: Barbara Beeton, American Mathematical Society and TeX Users Group
How to Create a TeX Journal: A Personal Journey

Conference web pages:

This three-day conference focuses on practical techniques for document production using LaTeX, TeX, ConTeXt, MetaPost, and friends. It is preceded by a hands-on four-day workshop on LaTeX.

Hope to see you there!

Dates and deadlines

See the call for papers for more information about presentations.

Further information

Conference attendees will enjoy an opening night reception and an (optional) banquet on the final evening. Coffee and lunch will be served each day of the meeting. Located on the Busch Campus of Rutgers University in Piscataway, New Jersey, an easy train ride from New York City.

Conference fee and hotel information is available on the registration page.

Conference flyer and publicity

Mentioning the conference to colleagues and in any other contexts would be very much appreciated. We'd also be grateful for any posting of this one-page PDF flyer (TeX source).


If you or your organization would like to help sponsor the conference, numerous options are available, from a straight cash donation (always welcome!) to logos on the conference memorabilia. Please see this separate sponsorship page for details, or email us.

We are very grateful to Rutgers University for major support, the German-speaking TeX users group DANTE for a special contribution, and especially to the many individual contributors.


Phone, fax, postal mail: see TUG office contact information.
Organizing committee: Karl Berry (TeX Users Group); Sue Demeritt Robin Laakso (TeX Users Group); Barbara Mastrian (Rutgers); Gerree Pecht (Princeton University); Steve Peter (TeX Users Group).

Presented by the TeX Users Group. This conference follows the Practical TeX 2004 conference in San Francisco and Practical TeX 2005 in Chapel Hill.

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